Your pup’s favorite activity reveals their personality

All dogs are known to have common behaviors, such as their love to run around, and their tendencies to show affection. While these adorable creatures cannot express all the thoughts in their little heads, they are just as nuanced as humans are. If you have owned a dog, then you know that dogs have their own personalities, which differ from pooch to another. Luckily, there are some awesome and valuable behavioral studies about dogs, and this kind of research is important for any dog owner to know.  Just like this study that reveals a lot about pups depending on their favorite sleeping positions. Thankfully, animal behaviorists are forever helping dog owners to figuring their canine friends temperament. One of the best ways for a dog owner to know more about his or her pup is to keep an eye on them at all times.  Although dogs might not know what a hobby is, this does not mean they cannot have some, and there are many things we can learn through observing them practice their favorite activity. Your pup could be included in a certain category depending on his or her way of spending the day; any pup might be a lazy bones, social butterfly, or a lovebug, or even much more! Keep reading through this exclusive list below to learn more about your dog's personality from his or her favorite pastime activity!  

1. Socializing

0000_Layer-Comp-1-600x600 If your pup likes to run towards fellow dogs to say hi, that means you probably have a true social butterfly pooch. This social behavior is the crucial sign of an extrovert, and this kind of pup loves to share toys, and knows how to initiate lots of fun. While most breeds of dogs are friendly, Labradors and some other spaniel breeds are just relentless when it comes to pursuing friendship of other pups. These super social pups love to be with big families, the more, the merrier! If you own a pooch, and he or she seems to leap at a chance to go out for a day-date or a doggy daycare, you should consider adopting a brother or sister!

2. Swimming

0001_Layer-Comp-2-600x600 Your dog might seem to be an energizer bunny and can spend hours in the water. This kind of pup does not mind if they are in the ocean or even in a backyard pool, getting them out of the water will always be a difficult task! This fish-alike dog loves the whole water experience, from the moment they they set foot in the water, until you have to pull them out! Newfoundlands and poodles are examples of swimmer dogs; these breeds have a history with retrieving and rescue teams. Although it is challenging to have one of those energetic pooches, it is good to own that valiant brave friend who has your back!

3. Car Rides

ddddd If your dog loves to go on car rides with you all the time, and tries to jump in every time you head to the grocery store, you have a pooch with a case of wanderlust! This pup loves experiencing new places and things even during those short trips in the neighborhood. Usually, hound and terrier breeds are not big fans of the daily routine; they get easily bored staying indoors all day. They need to experience new things; they also do not like to be put in crates. This kind of dog loves to accompany their owner on any adventure, whether it is road trip across the country or a day with you at work, they do not mind, what is more important for them, is that they have broken the routine!

4. Long Walks

0003_Layer-Comp-4-600x600 While it is normal for dogs to love going for runs and walks, some pups can just walk for miles on end without getting any tired! This kind of pooch loves hiking for hours. Instead of being interested in the company of other humans or pups, this pooch has a unique relation with his or her single favorite human;  if you have this pup, then you know well his or her favorite activity is spending plenty of time with you.

5. Digging

0004_Layer-Comp-5-600x600 In fact, most dog owners are not big fans of the digging behavior. However, if you have that digger pooch, then you have a friend with instinct to take care of you. So, instead of getting annoyed and blaming your pup, try to train them to use their digging energy in the least destructive way. This pooch is nurturer by nature. For him or her, every buried toy, old sneaker, and single bone, is saved for the right time. Try determining a digging zone for your digger friend in your backyard, and show them you are grateful for them taking care of you by letting them feel praised after they bury something there. It is also helpful to make your dog feel their toys are secured and well-stocked, this will make them feel that there is no need to bury them.

6. Cuddling

0005_Layer-Comp-6-600x600 If your pup feels comfortable and happiest next to you, he or she is a lovebug! While a lovebug pup might seem needy at many times, this is only because they love their owner the most. Most pooches with this temperament owe this behavior to ancestor from retriever, mastiff, or collie families. Besides it is good to allow your dog some cuddles and snuggles, it is also important to be sure they are not susceptible to separation anxiety. Generally, pups possess very sensitive souls, they appreciate their humans taking care of them. To make sure they would not become anti-social, consider registering your cuddly pup in daycare where they make them experience slight separation.

7. Sleeping

0006_Layer-Comp-7-600x600 Lazybone pups usually love to doze in the sun. While it is not a bad thing to have a mellow pup, just keep an eye on their health, particularly the famous sleepy mastiffs and bulldogs! Lazybones usually tend to get chubby, therefore they are more susceptible to weight-related health issues. To keep them healthy, be sure they are on a healthy diet and cannot find snacks easily.  It is also ideal for them to have a daily short walk around the local area as a mellowed down training session; this is key, if you want to keep a happy-motivated pooch who is always ready to hang around with you.

8. Fetch

0007_Layer-Comp-8-600x600 If your pup loves playing fetch for hours, you have a real smarty-pants! They are inquisitive, bright, and do not mind hunting the tennis ball forever! Many dog breeds are fetch fans, especially shepherds and borders who are very energetic and adore solving problems! It is great for those clever dogs to have plenty of playtime, just be ready with enough supply of brain-teasing dog toys waiting in case your arms get tired!   You can tell us in a comment below which one of these is your dog?   Please Share this with your friends and family to help them learning more about their pups too! Source