A Woman Who Lost Her Eye After A Shooting, Adopts Her Perfectly Matching Puppy

arf-2 Maria Williamson was in her car at a red light in Mobile, Alabama when a carjacker out of nowhere got close to her car and shot her in the face! The 26-year-old woman was taken immediately to a hospital and miraculously survived but she had to undergo two surgeries and lose one of her eyes. The awful incident happened in June, 2015 and six arrests have been made connected to her shooting incident. Two months later, Maria was recovering, when her boyfriend saw a photo online while he was browsing the internet of something that might have a magical effect and help her overcome her awful experience. arf-3 That photo was of an 8-week-old puppy named Bear, who had also recently endured a terrible experience on his own. He has been attacked by other dogs and as a result, he lost an eye, too! When Maria's boyfriend showed her the photo of Bear, she felt a strong connection with him at once. Her boyfriend emailed Animal Rescue Foundation and explained how important Bear is for Maria's recovery and she will be the loving support for him in return. They need each other and they'll complete each other. On that day, the couple went to the shelter and adopted him. arf-1 Maria changed Bear's name to "Yogi" and says that they are both survivors. We are so grateful they found each other. This is such an inspirational story! This story reminds me of a similar one; a guy who can only see through one of his eyes, got a puppy just like him. The 32-year-old Trent has lost the vision in one eye after a gardening accident. He had undergone four surgeries in his eye but he still lost his sight. Watch the full story and share with your family and friends!