5-17-2016 1-55-47 PM"/> 5-17-2016 1-55-47 PM"/>

Woman photographs a frightening pit bull, but when she looks at photos, she sees THIS

5-17-2016 1-55-47 PM

Sophie Gamand had been always thinking of pit bulls as aggressive dogs, and she believed that they are a really hostile dog breed. When she was looking at a pit bull, she was able to think of only one thing, these dogs could be vicious, dangerous, and aggressive. Sadly, it seems that Gamand is not the only one who believed in this as an absolute fact; as it makes sense why over million pit bulls are being put down every year, with a euthanizing rate much more than any other breed!

However, when Gamand began to experience being close to pit bulls, she was surprised to find that interacting with them was truly far from what she heard about them.

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Scroll down to find out more about the experience Gamand's, unexpectedly, had!

Actually, Gamand found out for the first time that they are not aggressive dogs at all, and found that pit bulls have earned a reputation they did not deserve, or even worked to gain!

Gamand told CBS, “They are so loving, so gentle, it is kind of crazy to think the public image they have and the reality of the kind of dog they are.”

Once Gamand found the truth about pit bulls, she was inspired to do a beautiful thing for them. Using her skills as a photographer to show the truthful side of this adorable breed. She goes to rescue shelters, meet pit bulls, put flower crowns on their heads, before capturing their more authentic gentle nature.

Thanks to wonderful humans like Gamand, all people have the chance to discover that pit bulls need love just like any other breed, and of course, they deserve forever homes.

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Fortunately, Gamand attempts were amazingly helpful. For Pickles, the pit bull who was once "unadoptable", things worked magnificently. He had a chance to find an awesome forever home after people saw him in Gamand's beautiful photos. Moreover, Brownie, the pit bull who had been in the shelter for two years, was finally able to find a forever loving home as well, after appearing in the photos of Flower Power series captured by Gamand.

Watch the stunning portraits below, and tell us what you think about pit bulls in a comment.

If you believe pit bulls are awesome creatures and deserve forever loving homes, please SHARE this video with all your friends and family on Facebook!
