Any pet owner knows that losing a pet does not differ from losing a human family member. It is just not easy to say goodbye to a companion who has watched you grow up as much as you have watched them and has been there with you on your worst days and best days. You have cared for them from birth to death. Nothing can ever fill the hole in the heart because they are simply irreplaceable. It is sad to lose a furry friend, but this would not change the fact that their undoubted unconditional love is the most special gift that anyone could have."/> Any pet owner knows that losing a pet does not differ from losing a human family member. It is just not easy to say goodbye to a companion who has watched you grow up as much as you have watched them and has been there with you on your worst days and best days. You have cared for them from birth to death. Nothing can ever fill the hole in the heart because they are simply irreplaceable. It is sad to lose a furry friend, but this would not change the fact that their undoubted unconditional love is the most special gift that anyone could have."/>

Woman Buries Her Dog's Ashes, Then She Spots Something At The Same Spot!

Any pet owner knows that losing a pet does not differ from losing a human family member. It is just not easy to say goodbye to a companion who has watched you grow up as much as you have watched them and has been there with you on your worst days and best days. You have cared for them from birth to death. Nothing can ever fill the hole in the heart because they are simply irreplaceable. It is sad to lose a furry friend, but this would not change the fact that their undoubted unconditional love is the most special gift that anyone could have.

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When the owner of a beloved dog named Maka had to say goodbye to her, she wanted nothing more than to honor her precious pup. When Maka died in 2004, her loving family had her cremated and held onto the ashes. When a new invention called a BioUrn appeared, it was a great chance to honor the family's beloved dog in the most special way.

Scroll down to find out more details about the way Maka's family honored her!

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Maka's family used BioUrn to plant a tree with her ashes in their garden. Within a few weeks, the ashes' spot began to sprout, and within a few more weeks, it became a full-size tree!

This invention allows honoring our pets in an incredibly special way. It ensures they live on by giving a new life to a tree. It is also about giving a new life to the world, as it makes the Earth a bit better by giving oxygen. Most importantly, every time you look at the tree, you will pay tribute to your loved pet's memories!

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What the most touching way of honoring a pet you heard of? What do you think of this way of honoring a beloved pet? Please let us know in a comment!

Scroll down to watch the interesting video below!

If you think our pets deserve this touching memorial, please SHARE this video with all your friends and family on Facebook!

[ Via / Little Things ]