Wild Man Says Goodbye To His 31 Pet Dogs

12508682_1137319552968032_1143492410599442828_n One man that is living in a wild life for the last 16 years would never accept to only have the assistance that he ever needed without making sure that all of his 31 pet dog is fine and doing good. The 31 homeless dogs have found an outdoor home in Natchez Trace State Park, just about 100 miles outside Memphis, Tennessee. The dogs lived in packs and lived in peace with their human friend who gave them love and care to the very maximum of his kind loving heart. 946472_1137319529634701_1277446622978729097_n Sadly, that wasn't good enough! Many of these 31 pet dogs have suffered from various diseases. According to Animal Rescue Corps (ARC) some of them had serious afflictions: three of these dogs seemed to have serious leg injuries and some of them had broken teeth. Here comes the role of the local community and they managed to convince the man that both of he and his dogs need serious help to stay healthy. 12509584_1137319352968052_7009791451664483124_n "There are several men that have known this man for years," a representative for ARC told The Dodo. "They have provided support to him at different times over the years, along with other people who have at times helped with the dogs. After many attempts to convince him to accept a home and medical help, he has finally agreed on the condition that all the dogs could be provided a home." 12507447_1137319472968040_3275666774906823494_n "Members of the community have been working with this man to improve his way of life and this rescue is part of it," said (ARC) President Scotlund Haisley. "He wasn't going to abandon the dogs and accept the help for himself without first finding a group to take the dogs. We are very glad to be able to assist." (ARC) plans to provide care these dogs will ever need till they are taken at shelters to be put for adoption. Share this story with your family and friends!