When you snooze together, everything about your relationship is revealed!
As a pet parent, the relationship between you and your pet is very special. One of the things attached to that special pet-owner relationship, is the way we snooze together. It is a good chance to learn more about our shared bonds just by observing how we do things together.
Read through this to find out what your pet’s sleeping position reveals, and let us know in a comment below if it really says something about both of you.
On the Chest
If your pet loves to sleep on your chest, it reveals that you two have a deep connection. You are able to understand each other in your own way.
When your pet sleeps on your chest, you are in the closest position to each other.
Whether you have not been around all day, or your pet has just been off playing in another room, it is your chance to feel really reconnected together at this sleeping position.
Sprawled Out
If your pet loves to sleep like a starfish, sprawling on the couch or bed while leaving no space for you, it is a sign that your relationship is all about taking control, or power dynamics. It is your pet’s cute way to tell you that they are in control right now.
This sleeping position shows that you have minor issues of taking control over each other. However, it is not a bad behavior; on the contrary, they just look funny sleeping that way. We know that your responsibility for caring and feeding, often gives you the power; but you would be kind sharing it sometimes.
A Pile of Puppies
If you somehow became a parent to a bunch of puppies, then a pile of puppies might be just like a beautiful dream. Having them pile on you at once is a very familial position.
Cuddling with your pet is just like cuddling with close people to you. Both you and your pet are valuing how you show love to each other; it indicates how much you really care. When your puppy gives you that gentle nudge with their nose, or your kitty brushes up against your leg, it is all about affection.
At bedtime, the cuddle fest is the ultimate way to show how much you care and love each other.
In Your Face
If your pet likes to sleep on your head or your face, it indicates that there are some real problems that need to be sorted out. Your relationship might be imperfect. You may truly love each other deeply, but sometime, you are not on the same wave.
Instead of taking things awkwardly when prying your pet off your face, handle this issue gently to find a comfortable position for both of you. Take it as a chance to ease the tension that you might both have, moreover, it is a way to compromise with your buddy.
This sleeping position reveals that you are real equal partners. Your dog is taking you as a fellow dog, and you are taking your pet as a fellow person. Having such relationship together with your pet shows how you have great mutual respect.
Your dog really knows that you are responsible for their care, and you are aware of how much love they give you in return through their companionship.
Foot Warmer
If your pet likes to sleep in the foot warmer position, it shows that your pet is taking your relationship as "your care taker". It is just an adorable way of your pet showing you that they are not here just to run the house, but they think that it is their mission to look after you.
This reveals a caring and loyal nature that comes only from a special pet. At bedtime, your pet knows that they should keep your feet warm.
Right in the Middle
If you have a human partner, your pet might just like being in the middle, just like a third wheel. Definitely, this kind of relationship is not perfect. Probably, you may feel that your pet is limiting your relationship with your partner. You have to give each relationship its right, whether to a human or a pet. However, the relationship between you and your dog will become stronger through time.
Under the Covers
Well, this seems funny, and it really is. If your pet just likes to have some fun climbing under the sheets, it shows you have a fun relationship. You carry so much love and care for each other, and probably, you spend a lot of time playing, wrestling, and laughing together.
After a long day, playtime under the covers can brighten your day, so make time for it. They are also uplifting early in the morning, just before you get out of bed.
This position is all about feeling comfortable with each other. If your pet sleeps that way, it shows that you have an easy-going relationship and that you always feel comfortable with one another.
Neither of you are overly needy nor requiring to get constant attention or affection. You are satisfied just by sitting in the same room silently together doing separate activities, like you reading a book and your pet relaxing by the television. At the end of the day, you reconnect together with some spooning.
It is just amazing how much your sleeping positions can reveal about your relationship with your pet. Let us know about your pet's sleeping position in a comment below.
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