When her owner said it's time to wake up, the cutest thing happened.

3-16-2015 4-59-16 PM Cats sleep an average of fifteen hours a day and some can sleep up to twenty hours in a twenty-four hour period. The first thing you should realize is that cats are most active between dusk and dawn, which means that they sleep mostly during the day and become active around twilight. This can come as quite a shock if you're bringing a new kitty home for the first time. Your cat will waste no time investigating and getting into trouble -- usually while you’re fast asleep! But as soon your cat is done with breakfast, as the rest of the world winds up for action, you'll find him winding down for a long day of slumber. When Momma told Burnsy that it is time to wake up, the beautiful cat’s reaction was so priceless as a human baby doesn’t want to get up to go to his school. As the mom says commenting on the video on her channel on YouTube, “Burnsy is my kitten that I adopted from the Calgary Humane society. He will plead his case when he wants to sleep in! And he absolutely LOVES watching this video and will rub up against the monitor and nudge it whenever I play it for him.” 3-16-2015 4-59-41 PM Cats’ penchant for sleep is still a mystery. However, one thing that can help us explain cats’ sleeping patterns is to understand that most of the cats are crepuscular animals which means active during dawn and dusk as we mentioned above. Many cat owners assume that their cats are active at night because they are often awaken very early in the morning. The truth is that cats actually spend most of their night time sleeping. Cats’ crepuscular nature comes from their hunting habit. Cats are natural predators that hunt for small animals such as rodents, birds or even bugs. Their prey is most active when the sun comes up in the morning and right before it goes down in the evening. When cats are not hunting, they take plenty of naps. 3-16-2015 4-59-54 PM