What these firefighters did to save the cat is truly wonderful

cat-02-2 Every day we hear lots of heartbreaking stories about animals that are put in critical situations which could lead to them dying painful deaths. However, it is always heartwarming to hear that some people are willing to put their own lives and interest on the line in order to save an animal that is in need, no matter how much effort is needed. These people put these poor animals first and let go of their own interest for the poor animals’ sake, and we appreciate their work too much, for they give those hopeless animals a second chance in life. These brave and resourceful firefighters, however, took saving the lives of animals to a whole new level. Their dedication is so inspiring. When a fire broke out in a kitchen in a house in New Orleans, firefighters were there on the spot. Fortunately, no fatalities occurred. There were three cats in the house, two of which were brought out with no injuries. However, when the firefighters went inside, they found one cat in a very dangerous condition. The cat was covered in smoke and could barely breathe. Quickly, the firemen acted for the cat’s interest. They were recently equipped with brilliant masks made especially for this case: pets trapped in fire! So, they put on the oxygen mask for the cat, and it was immediately revived. Her owner says it has now recovered completely. The brilliant oxygen masks were recently distributed to fire departments by programs which are dedicated to saving pets from smoke asphyxiation all over the country. They are designed in different sizes to fit any kind of pet, and they have proven their functionality! cat-02 Isn’t it a great idea? I sure hope this equipment spreads farther. Don’t forget to share this heartwarming rescue with your family and friends!