What happened when the kitten saw the deer is priceless.

3-24-2015 8-06-51 PM What happens when a baby deer meets a tiny kitten? Did you think that they will become best friends? Of course! But this is not what happened with those kids. This kitten, named Miro, is trying to pay the baby deer’s attention at the front door, she wants to play, but it seems that the newborn deer has another opinion, she is unable to walk or move as she is a baby, less than 48 hours old, but Miro doesn’t know that and as we know that kittens' usual is to be naughty so she doesn’t want to leave the fawn in peace. For me, the best part when the kitten has gave up and knew that the baby deer doesn’t want to play on 1:14 minute. The deer seems so relaxed but doesn't seem to be keen on playing. After this video was taken, the beautiful fawn was reunited happily with its mother by the people who found her. 3-24-2015 8-07-16 PM Scientists have classified that deer are Artiodactyle and that means they live with paws with a several numbers of toes. Also it is known that deer is extended around all over the world and they classified them into 100 types of deer from its types the caribou, mule deer, reindeer, moose, blacktail deer, elk and whitetail deer. They used to call the deer female does or cows also they can call them hindswhile they call male deer harts, bulls, stags or bucks. But the young babies they call them or calfs. Also Scientists telling us that deer can live anywhere as they able to adapt any environment, but they prefer to in habitats called edge those edges, made by the humans or the nature as they use the woodlands to graze; also they used it to be covered. 3-24-2015 8-07-34 PM Deer live in northern latitudes but when the feel that they are threatened, they search for different areas, so they can live comfortably specially in the summer and winter months. The distance of these areas can be 30 miles apart especially in the winter months, so deer considered that they live in all the continents apart from Antarctica and Australia.