Watch What This Little Boy Did After Reunion With His Lost Friend!

14-01-2016 07-08-29 م Have you ever asked yourself "What's better than a reunion with a lost pet?" I doubt if there is anything better than having them back. Although it is a hard and heartbreaking experience to lose or miss anyone that is dear, but on the bright side, it is the extreme joy and happiness that anyone would ever feel! No matter what's the period of missing, few hours, days, months or even years! Paula William, a Facebook user, posted a touching video of her little son seeing his missing dog, Kase, for the first time since a month ago! In the post William has shared, she explained that Kase has not gone missing far away from home. Kase, was taken by a kind family by the end of the street who took care of him until his owners finally found him again! William's little son's reaction is so sweet: She told him to come because there is a surprise for him, and that was the sweetest and the best surprise he could ever wish to have! The little boy did not believe his own eyes and he rushed right away approaching Kase, kissing and hugging him. 14-01-2016 07-08-50 م " I miss you so much" was the sentence that William's son kept telling to Kase. I don't know how excited or happy he is now after finding back his best friend, but I'm pretty sure he is overwhelmed with joy! Here is another video of reunion: A heartwarming reunion between a family and their dog who thought was killed in the fire. It’s the most incredible and heartwarming story of a family that reunited with their dog, after they thought he was killed. The 2 years old dog named Leo was carried away from the fire that was in Manchester Dog’s Home, he was lucky to be saved, which is very heartwarming. A worker had found him and brought him out of the fire. Share with your family and friends!