Watch What The Blue Bird Says While Approaching The Green One
This is unbelievable, for a moment, I couldn't believe what I heard, I kept repeating the video many times until I was convinced. Parrots are friendly, loving and talkative pets. For parrot lovers we collected some stories which are the very best on our website:
Do you remember Enistein, the cutest and smartest parrot on earth. He is an African gray parrot who was well trained and possessed a big talent. I went crazy at the end of the video, STUNNING!
If you are a dancing lover, you will love this video very much. Have you ever seen a dancing parrot before? You will be totally amazed by this video, forget about those parrots who are singing and talking, once the parrot heard the music, it did the most amazing thing ever. This parrot is doing the tap dance perfectly, it is so talented, it is dancing like a boss!
Here at Pets Lovers, as our name dictates, well, we simply love pets. Not just “love” as in think they’re super cute _they are! _ but “love” as in appreciate and recognize every little thing they contribute to our lives. Here is a video of a parrot that will melt your heart.
Usually we watch videos of parrots doing extraordinary things, but this one is so special. We have seen lots of dogs who dance, but have you ever seen a parrot who dances? You will see one now. Meet Milo, the 12 years old parrot, who thinks that he is sexy and he knows it.
Now imagine that you wake up every day to a parrot’s kiss, it really can happen. Meet Marnie the cutest parrot ever, what she did will melt your heart. When her owner calls her, she flies over to her, they have a short morning encounter then she requests a her parrot to give her morning kisses.
Enjoy watching the videos and don't forget to share with your family and friends!