Cats are awesome and hilarious, aren't they always? They are so fun to tease, and play with, and they always know how to make us laugh. As much as they can be a lot less playful than dogs are, they're still amazing and our favorite kinds of pets. However, in the cats' world, they have regrets just like humans do. In this video compilation, you will see cats regretting the decisions they take. You will see the look of regret on their face once they are about to fall, or just after they actually fall, or get bitten by something… a fish maybe? Well, let's not forget that karma likes revenge. Like the cat in 0:30, the way she jumps off because of the water is hilarious! Also the cat in 0:56, she's teasing her dog friend, but then she falls off the chair! It's hilarious, isn't it?
This video already proves something, it's that dogs and cats can always be friends, and they can tease each other and have a playful time, thousands of videos proved to us that any dog and cat can be best buddies.
There are so many breeds of cats, like Persian cats, Bangle cats and Sphynx cats that need a special type of warming up in winter. Of course, you noticed that your cat sleeps a lot, and that’s because the hormones of growing are released while sleeping, and about sleeping, cats are sleepy creatures, they sleep about 2/3 of the day, and so if a cat’s age is 9, it has been awake only for three years of its entire life.
Want to see more of cats' adventures?
Watch this video of cats trying to be sneaky, why? They want to steal their owners' pizza! It’s hilarious. Also don't miss
this video of the dog that can't go downstairs, why? Because of a cat!!
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