Watch The Biggest Circus Lion Circus Rescue Ever!

youmightthink-d1f50175ce29fd5f7af801ddce817a72 The circus is such a very cruel place for animals. People may think that lions and tigers (probably tigers as well) performing in circus shows are cruel beasts  who are doing well and enjoying their circus lives. Sadly, this is totally wrong. These poor animals have cruel lives which are against their nature. Recently, an organization called  Animal Defenders International launched the biggest rescue operation ever to rescue some of these animals. eclion3-48899d53c246a18a79963120fc2df397 The organization's small team, led by former Jan Creamer, has been rescuing wild animals from such cruel activity in the entire world since 1990. Over the past year, Creamer and ADI have saved more than 30 lions from circuses in Peru and Colombia and gradually took care of them till they regained their health. As Creamer works with the local governments, she and her team investigated the biggest offenders of the countries' wild animal trafficking laws. ECLions2-986f860cf084e7bea00831c272222686 They found 33 lions (and about hundreds of other animals) being kept in bad conditions of severe abuse. Nine of the lions were voluntarily surrendered by a circus in Colombia. Many of the lions were literally starving, with the tips of their toes cut off as a primitive de-clawing method. The ADI right away provided the big cats with the necessary medical care that they were in a desperate need to receive. In addition to medical care, these big cats needed love. emoyabigcat-7312255980bc1b1bf858c1f9c5071b72 Here are some of the amazing animals: Joseph s2048-473b78a556099e159fc839cb0e1559ad Rapunzel s2048-de7fd0147af784e82e22a8834b152944 Liso s2048-1a5a9b9bf7dbf9325873f503a2bc9984 The lions needed a home, so ADI co-ordinates with Emoya Big Cat Sanctuary in South Africa to get them a home. liongif6-7b975369ff0553e18f01ff5a19707455 All the rescued animals were released across the Atlantic Ocean toward freedom in late April          2016. Their journey into freedom is a heartwarming thing to witness after all they have been through, they are finally free. 2-1a9101abbfb5bf1c9f4d0776a92754d9 s2048-80c6badf234b7579866663e8aff8ef2a Share this incredible story with your family and friends on Facebook! Via