Watch The Amazing Recovery Of dog Whose Face Was Devoured By Maggots

2ac6ab7d3c0a0404084fd9a3a0dc7fc9 On January 24, Animal Aid Unlimited in Udaipur, Rajasthan, India posted an unbelievable video about a severely injured dog named Kalu. According to Animal Aid Unlimited the poor dog was found in a hole at a construction site in Udaipur on 7, October 2015. The dog's face had been literarily disappeared and devouredĀ  by maggots. The poor dog's entire faceĀ  had been destroyed by maggots and he had to crawl into that hole to die. 3090183900000578-3415803-The_dog_was_assessed_by_charity_workers_who_contemplated_euthana-a-123_1453738237063 The rescue agency wrote: "His face looked like a bomb had exploded between his forehead. The horrific gaping hole was infested with maggots that were literally eating him alive, As soon as our rescuers Ganpat and Kalu Singh brought him back to Animal Aid we decided that euthanizing him would be the best decision." The_dog_that_grew__2660413n Kalu somehow managed to survive and managed to convince his rescuers that he still has the will to make it and survive! The rescue group said: "So we began treatment on the most heartbreaking wound we had ever before seen." Kalu started his recovery journey and received the medical care he needed the most! A powder was poured onto Kalu's gaping wound to kill the maggots and later, under sedation to clean the wound. A large part of his skull was exposed and his eyes were gone, unfortunately! 45hhe3 On the third day after his rescue, he ate for the first time since rescue! and on the fifth day, his left eye has appeared! After 3 months of medical care, watch Kalu today! He became healthy and happy! It seems that he has a fighter's spirit and he fought to survive! Share this inspirational story of unbelievable recovery with your family and friends!