Watch A Husky's Reaction When Dad Says " I'll Make Some Potatoes"

19-01-2016 03-17-43 م Although this video was first posted on YouTube in 2012, it still one of  the most hilarious dogs in one of the funniest videos ever. Mishka The Talking Husky seems to have something to say when dad picks up what to do for dinner. She seems like she has an opinion about that too! Mom and Dad were trying to stimulate their son to have a delicious meal. Dad asks his son "I'm gonna make potatoes, you wanna help me?" Although the son wasn't interested neither  in eating nor help making potatoes, Mishka has a totally different opinion. Mishka_says_I_want_Potatoes_Husky_Dog_Talking (1) Dad has caught on camera one of the sweetest things to be seen or heard. Mishka said "I wanna potatoes" Psychologist and dog expert Stanley Coren of the University of British Columbia tells the Scientific American that dogs who talk are most likely trying to mimic sounds or phrases with the expectation that they’re rewarded either with praise or a treat. You might as well want to watch this video again. When they started talking, their talkative French Bulldog responded in the best way! Meet Junior, the cute and talkative French bulldog, what he did with his two friends is adorable. They set up a camera in the car to capture this funny moment, they started a deep conversation and a lengthy discussion, it was adorably cute yet funny, actually we needed a subtitle to be added to this video. I know that we don’t understand what they are talking about but it’s still the funniest video of all. Mishka_says_I_want_Potatoes_Husky_Dog_Talking (2) French bulldogs are one of the most amazing breeds. They are the funniest! It’s well-known with the sweetest and gentle dogs, and it’s completely true, they are kind and loving. They are a companion dog; with a life span from 8 to 12 years old. Share this with your family and friends