Vultures Gathered And Waited The Death Of A Chained Pit Bull To Become Their Banquet!

11050659_776282459156448_3470718320716933490_n Vultures are always searching for something to eat but this time they had to wait for a chained Pit Bull to die to make her a delicious banquet! Outside a home in Greensboro, North Carolina in 2014 was the place to witness one of the most disturbing and annoying scenes. A Pit Bull was chained to a tree and surrounded by huge number of carrion-eating birds. A local newspaper captured a photo of the poor Pit Bull just before the animal control arrival and the disturbing photo continues to be so viral on social media. 10906071_10153624844419968_1669700668558421090_n Guilford County Animal Control visited the mentioned property on December 30, 2014 after they had received so many calls of the concerning neighbors and they took the poor Pit Bull. It seems that the owners later on told the animal control officers that the vultures had started their vigil on Christmas Day. They also said that they were going to take the dog back but they didn't! The poor Pit Bull who was named Lilo was taken from the shelter by Merit Pit Bull Rescue. Lilo was given another life chance and she survived being on the door of death! 23-01-2016 01-28-52 م According to Merit Pit Bull Rescue, Lilo was underweight, had tears on her ears and sores on her tail. Lilo who is only 8-month-old went to live with fosters Keana Lynch and Travis Henley to learn adapting and living again! Lilo's foster family says she was curious, friendly, smart and learnd how to play with toys. A few months later, she was adopted! Luckily, Lilo found a forever home! Share her story with your family and friends!