Vets Successfully Save The Snake Who Ate A Teddy Bear
TED, a teddy bear, was rescued from one of the most terrifying journey of his entire life and it was a hard journey for the snake as well.
The double trouble began when a giant wild carpet python crawled into a home in the Gold Coast of Australia. The family with their dog were alerted just in the perfect time to move to a safe place.
They left the poor teddy bear behind, their dog's favorite toy, to be the easiest victim for the giant python.
And with no effort, the giant python ate TED!
After short time, the family called Tony Harrison of Reptile Relocation and Awareness, to get the giant python out of their house. Then they mentioned the tragedy that has happened to their TED.
With no surprise, the tragedy hasn't happened for the stuff teddy bear only, but it was more serious to the giant python and it could lead to a deadly blocked intestine.
Obviously, stuff teddy bears aren't the perfect meals for pythons at all!
Harrison took the snake to medical experts at the Vet Lounge which is a facility made to handle cold-blooded patients very well.
An X-ray revealed TED's tragic journey through the giant python's digestive system.
For now, both of them, the giant python and TED, they will survive.
Warning: The images below might not be suitable for some people.
With very cautious snips at the python's belly, TED began to appear.
Luckily, the surgery was successful, and both of the giant python and TED survived.
Here is how TED looked like post the operation. I mean he hasn't been through an easy thing, it is a snake!
After many cleanings, TED looked healthy and clean as well!
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