Vet takes good care of a little scared puppy

2.26.1-A Any animal lover would be so elated to know about the BARCS Animal Shelter. It is the largest in Baltimore, and it is the perfect destination for any animal in need. In BARCS shelter, there is a professional team of vets assisted by a remarkable team of volunteers. They give the ultimate care to any animal that makes it to their door, and Meesha is no exception! They gave Meesha the medical care she deserved Meesha is a gorgeous puppy who has just received the healthcare she needed from some of the most talented vets in BARCS, and probably the world.  She was already healthy and doing great, but this did not prevent her from feeling nervous and scared when she found herself in the middle of strangers. 14-03-2016 06-04-55 م Although the little puppy was safe and in good care, she did not feel calm or reassured.   She felt anxious with so many strangers around her.  She was terribly afraid and began to cry and whimper. Fortunately for Meesha, her response was totally understandable by a certain vet, Surgical Assistant Dennis Moses. This kindhearted vet knew exactly what to do! When Dennis heard little Meesha’s cries of fear, he carried her to a quieter place, where a volunteer witnessed these incredible moments in person. Luckily for us, animal lovers, the volunteer acted spontaneously and recorded this precious scene with their camera. Just watch the heartwarming moment in the video below, and learn the unbelievable method, Dennis used to calm Meesha! In my opinion, this way would certainly work to calm any frightened animal! Dennis held Meesha and whispered to her "it’s not too bad" This video does not tell the whole story The most cheering news came only a few days after this incredible video was posted.  Meesha was adopted and found a forever home. I hope she would be given only the life that any animal deserves! Please SHARE this cute moment if you think this is the only way we should treat dogs! Via Daily Mail