Two frightened pups clung to each other along their way to better future

20-01-2016 01-57-05 م While it is unknown why these two pups were abandoned by their owner, they have been found clung to each other when they were dropped at the shelter. They probably have been afraid because they were uncertain of what the future might hold for them.   Two weeks ago, Bridget and Louie, as the two pups now named, were taken to the Montgomery County Animal Shelter in Conroe, Texas. They have been photographed upon their arrival, and they were still holding to each other as they had not yet realized that they were about to begin a new better life.   The two pups were obviously having a strong bond together, so they decided to let them share the same kennel at the shelter. They were having the signs of neglect, suffering from matted fur and mange. pitbulls-huddle The smaller black dog, Louie, had a metal collar with barbs jutting into his neck. louie-collar The condition of Bridget’s teeth was bad; she could have been chewing on a chain or another metal that caused her upper teeth to ground down to her gums. She is thought to have had multiple litters. She also could have been with dog fighters who are known to down the teeth of female dogs to protect the males from them. Whether their look had been caused by their being as bait animals or by any other reason, it was so heartbreaking. 12552834_168327253529350_69436835349530674_n Posted by The Adventures of Bridget and Louie on Wednesday, January 13, 2016   Last week, Bridget and Louie were picked up from the shelter by their foster mom and dad on a ride to their temporary home where they will be free. 12507272_166463483715727_197923733300726001_n Posted by The Adventures of Bridget and Louie on Sunday, January 10, 2016   Once the two dogs arrived at their foster’s family place, they fell in love with their couch! It seemed like Bridget loved sleeping on it! 12439239_166464140382328_1365207273307081739_n Posted by The Adventures of Bridget and Louie on Sunday, January 10, 2016   It seems like they were enjoying relaxing on the porch while they feel the sun on their faces 10400481_167213163640759_1761942876333382403_n Posted by The Adventures of Bridget and Louie on Monday, January 11, 2016   With their foster brothers and sisters 12548843_168844360144306_7615621034499461400_n Posted by The Adventures of Bridget and Louie on Thursday, January 14, 2016   Bridget just kept wagging her tail every time her foster mom was taking a picture for her 12540634_166465847048824_9129366380504352147_n Posted by The Adventures of Bridget and Louie on Sunday, January 10, 2016   There is also a plenty of time for snuggles 12507606_166499283712147_3554025943763253708_n Posted by The Adventures of Bridget and Louie on Sunday, January 10, 2016   It is very good for any animal lover to know that there is a brighter future for Bridget and Louie 10561744_166468560381886_3135886310552647469_n Posted by The Adventures of Bridget and Louie on Sunday, January 10, 2016     Both dogs are on their way to heal enough before they are put for adoption, they will be listed on the web site of Texas Animal Shelter when they are ready!     Please help spread the importance of fostering animals by SHARING the story of Bridget and Louie with your friends and family!