Two Dogs Get Freed From Their Chains And Experience Freedom For The First Time

08-03-2016 01-15-00 م When Coalition to Unchained Dogs knew that Oero and Mama were chained outside, they wanted to help the dog's owner Belinda, the elderly woman who rescued them. Her landlord doesn't permit dogs to go inside the house, so the dogs were left outside the house. The Coalition to Unchained Dogs has a mission to accomplish improving the welfare of dogs living continuously remained chained outside the house and offering to build fences for their owners. Moreover, providing free neutral vaccinations and non-judgmental assistance. oreo-mama In the case of Oreo and Mama, the two dogs dumped by their previous owners in Belinda's North Carolina Neighborhood and she brought them in. She did the best she can do on her limited income, making sure they are well fed and cared. She just didn't have the means to build them a safe enclosure. The non-profit group came out to the mentioned house and helped building a fence and lay down straw to keep the dogs warm and safe. The Coalition to Unchained Dogs says they build around 120 fences per day and depend mainly on donations. Their volunteers builds trusting relationships with the community. Their concept is to not take a dog but instead work with the dog's owners improving the dog's living conditions and educate their owners. 08-03-2016 01-16-03 م “We have built thousands of fences. We’ve done this at street level, door-to-door, face-to-face, building trust and a reputation in our community. We often work in the same neighborhoods where fence recipients have family, friends, and neighbors who, of course, hear about the Coalition from them. We can’t tell you how many times we hear, ‘You built that fence for my brother (or aunt, or grandmother, or neighbor)’,” the group writes on their website. “If we started taking people’s dogs, the network of trust and the reputation we have built would disappear overnight.” Source: Coalition to unchain dogs - Mama and Oreao by unchaindogs on Rumble This experience is really amazing, watching the two dogs' reaction will take your breath away! Share this story with your family and friends!