Top 5 Long Haired Cat Breeds That Will Make You Happy

Long haired cat breeds are simply awesome.

For the longest time, Long haired cat breeds have always been a staple of royalty in the ancient world. From the far east Asian countries, the Persian Peninsula, or the cold Scandinavian countries. Their long, luxurious fur simply emits elegance and compels one to stroke them.

Nowadays, long-haired cat breeds are thankfully a bit more available for the average cat lover. Otherwise, you and I probably wouldn't have some of our favourite felines by our side.

Long-haired big cats deserve all the love


1.Maine Coon

Long haired cat breeds Maine Coon
A black and white Maine Coon relaxing

Starting our list off with the largest long-haired cat breed, this gentle giant definitely deserves this spot on the list. An all-around talent and a huge hugger with thick, long fur? Sounds pretty awesome to me.

Additionally, they are one of the largest cat breeds in the world, which are well-known for their unique facial structure.

They live well with dogs and other pets. Whether this is mainly because of their calm nature or their large sizes, I am not sure.

This type of long-haired cat breeds has a water repellent coat, so if the kids are on your mind once more... I got you.

Last but not least, Maine coons are intelligent cats. They have even made it into the Guinness World Records book.


2. Persian

Long haired cat breeds Persian
Green-eyed Persian cat

An absolute classic in the world of long haired domestic cat breeds.

Persians aren't only beautiful, they are also one of the best Long haired cat breeds to own if you have boisterous children. Many people worry that getting long-haired cats may not be the best choice if their little ones have grabby hands.

However, worry not. They have a friendly and calm nature and can be very patient.

Being a true favourite, they are not only known for their long haired fluffy fur coat that comes in various colours. Their very large and very round eyes are just adding to their cuteness level.


3. Norwegian Forest Cat

Norwegian cat
A Norwegian forest cat in it´s natural habitat.

Remember how I mentioned that long-haired cat breeds are the stuff of legends and royalty? The legendary Nordic "Skogkatt", is supposed to be a type of fairy cat that can do things that no other cats can.

Furthermore, their claws are strong enough to climb effortlessly on rocks and stone.

Yep, you heard that right.

Well, while the first statement is purely a myth of the ancients, the second one is very much true.

Norwegian Forest Cats are incredibly strong and interesting cats.
Furthermore, they are primarily outdoor cats as they are close to nature and well it is in their name.

However, they can be trained to live indoors and their social nature makes them valuable family members. They get along with children well, too.

Two more long-haired cat breeds coming now

long haired cat breeds ....

4. Balinese

An amazing Balinese

Is it just me or are these cats getting prettier and cuter every single time?

First of all, the Balinese is a long-haired cat breed that resembles the Siamese. Both have a majorly white fur coat that ends in either creme, brown, or gray colouration. They are known as long-haired Siamese cats.

Furthermore, they have stunning sapphire blue eyes.

Similar to their Siamese ancestors, Balinese are sociable, vocal, playful, inquisitive, and an intelligent breed.

Additionally, they are also said to be notably acrobatic. They love spending time with their owners.

.... long haired cat breeds

5. Ragdoll

Long haired cat breeds Ragdoll
A stunning Ragdoll cat.

Like many other large cat breeds on this list, Ragdolls are a stunning long-haired cat breed. White and creme or grey fur, as well as crystal blue eyes, are the standard for this beautiful breed.

Ragdolls are affectionate, intelligent, gentle, and an easy-to-handle lap cats that love following you from room to room.

As their name may suggest,Ragdoll cats go completely limp when picked up. While many people may find this adorable, I dont exactly.

However, there is good news! In recent years, breeders in the UK have tried to "breed out" the limpness of Ragdolls, as they say, it may not be in the best interest of the cats.

.... long haired cat breeds


Birman cat.
A Birman cat licking their lips.

Also known as the "Sacred Cat of Burma", this long-haired cat breed sports a few unique features.

Usually, they are claimed to have originated as the companions of temple priests in northern Burma in the Mount of Lugh.

Birmans are calm and affectionate felines. They enjoy spending time with their families and being a former temple dweller they love being worshipped with cuddles. 

Furthermore, these cats feature a "gloves and laces" pattern, which meas that they should always have white feet, regardless of their colouration.

Speaking of colouration: they have long-haired, colour-pointed silky fur coats and deep blue eye. Birmans should have four white feet, with a pattern described as “gloves and laces.”

A trusting Birman cat being fed a treat.



At the end of article, I enjoy leaving a few personal thoughts. As many of you may know, my husband and I own two amazing and beautiful cats.

Our older one is a female black long haired cat named Vanta. We named her after the colour known to absorb light because it is that dark. Our younger one is a male, black and white cat with short hair named Ozpin.

Thanks to them we have gathered a lot of knowledge regarding cats over time, and I hope that my article has helped you, too. If you want to know what breeds they are, I am afraid I don't know, though I do have my suspicions. You can read this if you want to find out more about big cat breeds. Read you next time!