Those 19 Foals Were About To Get Euthanized, But See What Happened When They Had A Second Chance

10-21-2015 6-08-29 PM Euthanization is hard; it's not easy to take that decision of ending the life of an animal. The animal that is rescued from it is very lucky, but what if they are 19 foals who were rescued from the Euthanization? How it would be if 19 foals is taking a second chance at life. This is what the Last Chance Corral is doing, they are giving second chances to those foals that were orphaned and give them the help they need, till they are ready to go to their new homes. The organization had started since 2008, and it was founded by Victoria Goss. hqdefa It's amazing to do that, giving a second chance to the foals that lost their mothers in their early days, they need lots of love and care to be raised healthy. In this video, you will see about 19 foals running around and playing, enjoying life. This video was recorded back in 2010. Surprisingly, it's their first time to run and play freely without control or a leash. Just look at how excited they are, and take a look on that amazing dog that is following them like he is guarding them, he is also sharing their playtime with them. 10-21-2015 6-09-17 PM Isn't it amazing to see those foals enjoying their lives after they were rescued from being euthanized? Second chances are great, aren't they? I think that this video is one of the most adorable that I've ever seen. I think that it's the best chance to thank the founder of the Last Chance Corral non-profit organization, and its founder Victoria Goss for saving the lives of these foals. Watch this video above; you won't stop smiling while watching this! If you find it joyful, don't forget then to share it with all of your family and friends.