This Teenager Made A Discovery That Would Change Your LIFE!
Yes, this is the photo that was breaking the internet those days, but I believe that this girl had made an amazing discovery that we have to share. The internet helped us discover many things, and it knew more about the right way to use different stuff.So forget about the pets a little and see this! Chelsea Smith, a 19 years old girl, had discovered a new thing about her earring; actually she proved that we have been wearing earrings the wrong way. For me, I've never imagined that this is the way that we have to wear the earrings.
It's been years since we women started to wear earrings, but have you ever thought about that plastic part in a different way? It's been revealed that we were wearing the earrings in a wrong way for all of those years, but thanks to Chelsea, she showed us the right way, because now the old way is about to change.
Chelsea posted two photos on twitter, the first one was showing the earring with the plastic part attached to it, and the second photo showed the plastic part is removed! Now you better go and remove all the plastic parts from your earrings, and let's start searching for a recycling use of it!
Yes, it's a late discovery, but it's better than living all of your life not knowing the truth. Her tweet went viral all over the internet, more than 40,000 retweets and favorites. And really we want to thank Chelsea; she made a change in the world by this discovery.
So, for how long have you been wearing beautiful earrings with these plastic parts?For me...A LOT! Now you have to let your friends discover this too, feel free to share it with your family and friends.