This outdoor kitty came back home toting something unexpected

nala-1-600x7991 The general fact that every cat owner know is that freedom is very important to our feline friends. Nala is a kitty owned by Reddit user goldenstate30 which has an independence that few cats crave. The outdoor cat, Nala, is free to roam around the neighborhood as she want; she always comes back home to sleep or eat, and to grace her family with her presence. Many people think that when outdoor cats are out, they are climbing trees, stalking insects and little birds, and lounging in a sunny spot, but it has turned out that Nala was going out for something else, she was “cheating”! We know that we should not give food to animals who beg for it, as it can lead health problems due to over gain of weight. While it is hard not to give food to our pets when they beg for it, cats are known to like scheming. If you could not guess what Nala was going out for in the neighborhood, read through to find out what the cat actually does out there, and how her family figured it out! Luckily for Nala, she is living in a safe neighborhood where she can freely explore her surroundings every day. Although Nala always comes back home, she also has a collar, just in case. nala-2-600x610 While Nala’s family was assuming that she goes out to explore nature, it turned out that she was actually doing something else unexpected. Nala’s humans only figured it out recently when she was toting something unexpected as she came back home after one of her outdoor trips out. A folded note was wedged into her collar. According to what the unknown neighbor wrote in the note, it turned out that Nala has used to visit them frequently; they seem to be her part-time family! She visits them and spends time with them in their home just like it is her home too! They even feed her baloney! Even funnier was that after posting the story of Nala’s secret family to Reddit, many people have told about similar tales about being the part-time family of cheating cats, or how they knew about their own ones! It is like that the outdoor cats have the same system! 16154717476_a4ce31e780_o-600x590 There is no doubt that outdoor cats could face variable threats such as cars, wild animals, and other pets. So if you have an outdoor cat, please be sure they are safe.  Please Share this with people who wonder where their cats go all the day, this story will reveal the mystery!