This Gorilla Lost Her Baby, What She Did Was Heartbreaking!
The mother instinct is strong in every kind of animal,what this gorilla had been through is totally heartbreaking.Those photos are real tragic, showing the gorilla called Shira, she is living at the Frankfurt Zoo in Germany. Sadly, this gorilla had lost her baby, she found her dead only after one week of her birth, so she is trying desperatelyto wake the baby up, she is walking around the cage, worried about her baby.
The gorilla is broken, you can see the sadness all over her face, she is trying to wake up her baby, and she is shaking her and cuddling with her sometimes. And at night, the gorilla held it across her stomach.
The Zoo director Prof. Manfred Niekisch said that the baby gorilla was ok but Thursday night she died, and till now they can't know what caused the death. He also said that this gorilla's reaction is due to the strong bond between gorillas and their babies.
Zookeepers wanted to take the baby gorilla but they found her ten-year-old mother holding her.
Shockingly, it's the second time that this gorilla lost her baby, last year she gave birth to a baby boy but he died after six months of his birth after he caught a lethal viral infection, and when he died, she reacted in the same way, but when she discovered that there is no hope for him to be alive once again, she left him in the corner, and went to cry alone in bed.
Shira the gorilla needs time to get over her loss, because it is not the first time to lose something so precious.
We hope that Shira the gorilla can get over her loss, watch the video above, and if you find it touching, share it with your family and friends.