This girl is hypnotizing animals! What she did to them on stage was UNTHINKABLE!
Have you ever imagined that you can put your dog to sleep? Or have you ever thought about a way to let your pet sleep or awake by one word? I think not because actually it's just an "imagination", but wait a minute till you see this. So in case you feel like you want your pet to sleep right now, don't worry, because this girl had found the solution for it!
This girl is having an extraordinary talent, she is simply hypnotizing animalsand forcing them to sleep by some words that she says to them, and surprisingly, after a few seconds they sleep. You will feel like it's not true, so you better play that video.
On CCTV channel, on a talent show, this pretty little girl comes on stage to show the world that she can hypnotize animals and let them sleep, and also wake them up. Her talent is not specialized for one type of animals; it's for any type, so she did apply this experiment on a dog, a chicken, a frog, a rabbit and a goanna.
She started to hypnotize the dog, and it worked, the dog slept, followed by the frog, then the goanna and the rest, but while she was trying to hypnotize the chicken, the frog and the dog accidently woke up, she went back to them and put them all to sleep, but she is not done yet, things won't end that way, the little girl wokeall the animals up with one word. Oh my god! I am starting tobelieve that she is a magician; we hope that Harry Potter comes and sees this girl.
P.S: the video is in Chinese, but don't worry, you will get it. If you find it amazing, feel free to share it with your family and friends.