This Family's Dead Dog Appears On Television 9 Years Later

muffy-pic-rex-449484739-600x528 Natalie Lampard adopted a Mutt dog named Muffy in 2000, from RSPCA shelter outside Brisbane, Australia. The dog was a gift for both her and her daughter, Chloe who was eight years old at that time! Muffy and Chloe made a unique relationship and enjoyed an unbreakable bond. Sadly, this did not long for much time because every pet owner's worse nightmare has came true when Muffy disappeared! Although the family did not give up hope and did the best they can, they did not find Muffy and she was completely disappeared. Screen-Shot-2016-01-18-at-12-600x333 Time passed on for more than 9 years, Natalie and her daughter, Chloe, had given up hope of ever seeing or reuniting with their beloved Muffy. They thought she was dead: after all Muffy had a microchip so if she was to be alive, they would have found her. In 2009, Natalie received a call from RSPCA Shelter in Melbourne, which is a city 1.200 miles away from Chloe's home. She right away rushed to call her daughter and tell her. But one thing was for sure: This was definitely Muffy. The microchip in her neck helped track Natalie down. “When the RSPCA described her, I told them her name; I knew immediately it was our Muffy,” she said. Lost-Dog-Returned-After-9-Years-with-Dog-2-600x545 AFter 9 years, the family was reunited again with their beloved missing Muffy. Chloe was 17 years old at that time, but it seems like nothing has ever changed between Chloe and her Muffy. This is a reminder to never give up hope of reuniting with your missing one: After 8 years, a reunion between dog and his owner will blow your mind Joshua Edwards lost his beloved pet eight years ago, long time, huh? Most people would have lost hope to find their dog by that much time, and maybe Joshua did too, but I guess you should never lose hope. Share this video with your family and friends!