This Dog Was Given A Home To Die In.. Watch His Full Story.

dsss Animals are such strong creatures more than we ever imagine, in the darkest moments their strong spirits show up to be their saviors. In November 2014, Valia Orfanidou who is a volunteer from an organization for animal rescue in Greece saw a post on Facebook that shows a dog who looks like he has spent the worst part of his life, he was so terrified! He could barely walk and seems so close to certain death. Orfanidou decided to do all her best to offer the poor dog a home where he can enjoy his last days. szx "The crazy thing about that dog was that his story was, and still is, unbelievable to some," Orfanidou told The Dodo. "When his first photo was posted by a woman who had passed him on a train, there were people claiming it wasn't real, that it was a fake photo taken out of a video game or something like that." It was only two days after posting his picture, two other rescuers from Ilioupolis Animal Welfare Union in Athens traveled more than 40 miles to rescue the poor dog whom they named Billy. Billy was taken to a vet to have the medical care he needed, he was so terrified, emaciated and barely walk, and he also suffered from deadly kind of mange. cssa Despite that everyone thought that the vet would recommend Billy be put down, he didn't. Something miraculously has happened, his vitals were stable and he was strong to begin his journey of treatment to recover. "He must have been feeling so safe and secure in that small room that he slept for hours and hours. He would eat four times a day and then just go back to sleep," Orfanidou wrote. "I felt like I had a tiny treasure to protect and nurture, and I checked on him a dozen times per day." 10 days after being rescued, Billy started to get his strength again. The only reason was just "He wants to live". He even grew stronger and in two months Billy became completely a different dog. Emma from Switzerland sent an email inquiring about Billy and he was the perfect dog for her. Billy was ready to travel and his rescuers had to say Bittersweet Goodbye. zsxz "Saying goodbye at the airport was one of the hardest things I've ever had to do. I came back home crying and waiting for his flight to arrive," Orfanidou wrote "It seemed like forever. We Skyped once they were home. I missed him so much already and yet I was so happy to finally see him where he belonged." Emma and Billy later came to visit his rescuers who were so happy to see him again! Billy is a real strong spirit, and he deserved having a second chance. What's your opinion of Billy's story? , leave a comment on our Facebook page and don't forget to share his story with your family and friends!