This cat wanted a time on his own, see what he did to get it!

6-7-2015 2-33-04 PM If you already have a cat, I am sure that you know that sometimes cats love to have some privacy and sit on their own, and also they love those dark and quite places to calm down, and sometimes they sleep there. This is what this sweet kitty did, as he wanted some alone time and he found that the cupboard is the perfect place to hide. He opened it on his own, the dog was staring at what the cat was doing, and the cat opened the cupboard perfectly and hid in it. When he sat inside, the other cat and the dog were worrying about him. The way he reacted to that was hilarious; he shut the cupboard in their faces, like he was saying "leave me alone!" Sorry guys, he needs a little time on his own. 6-7-2015 2-33-31 PM It's known that cats always search for those closed, hidden places; they need time for relaxation, but sometimes, it's not a good sign at all! Sometimes it's a sign of sickness or stress. You know your cat best, if you noticed something like this, you should take the cat immediately to the vet. Also be careful about the hidden places that your cat sits in; make sure that your cat can get out of that place. Actually I think that this cat in the video is stuck, how could he open the cupboard again? Maybe he is smart enough, but not every cat knows how to get out, so you should be careful, you should know where your cat is siting and how it will get out. 6-7-2015 2-34-37 PM Watch the video below and if you find it funny, share it with your family and friends.