This cat is enjoying the weirdest thing ever!

3-12-2015 8-11-40 PM As we know, cats like doing weird things. However, I don't think I've ever seen a cat enjoy doing what Richard the Ragdoll cat does in the video over and over again. On YouTube channel with their names “Richard and Buttercup”, this owner has posted that video for his sweet ragdoll cat named Richard while he was playing with him, sliding him like a pro ice curler through the floor. At first, it seems a little aggressive and abusing, but wait, the cat keeps coming back for more as he might be addicted to this game. Richard loves it! In fact, he loves it so much; Richard cannot get sufficient of his proprietor sliding him throughout the ground. Try this hilarious game of slip 'n' slide, let’s do it and watch what will happen! The best part of this video is Richard's, shall we say, the less-enthusiastic cat friend who just sits and quietly judges the whole scene. That is until Richard decides to sideswipe him on his way back for more sliding fun. He's just uptight. Most of us find your floor antics hilarious and adorable, so keep them up. 3-12-2015 8-12-10 PM This owner also can use his cat to help him clean his floors, and clean them and then clean them again. And then maybe clean them again just one last time (for good luck).Sometimes, the simplest solutions to common household problems are the things that are right under our noses. Most cats love to play well into adulthood. Playing enables your cat to tune into his hunting instinct, get some exercise and have a little fun. Different cats have different playing preferences. Some love to chase a laser, others enjoy the wand type toys, others enjoy a game of fetch. Try a range of toys and games and see what your cat likes best. 3-12-2015 8-12-25 PM