This cat hasn’t seen his best friend for a few days..their reunion is too adorable

Cats are definitely lovely pets. With their adorable faces and fluffy furs, they are quite hard to resist! And although cats are generally sleepy creatures, it’s undeniable that sometimes they get extra playful and extra curious, which is never a good combination! Cats playing with random objects is always fun to watch, until they break something, which usually happens! But still, we love cats more than anything, because nothing feels as good as the moment when they cuddle up to us and purr with happiness. 7-26-2015 2-16-14 PM However, there’s an ongoing misunderstanding about cats in the animal community! Some people believe that cats are not as affectionate or showing emotions as other animals. But the truth is, they are the exact opposite, we just can’t read them well most of the time! And this video is proof of how loving cats are. When this video was uploaded to Youtube by user KJ Mayor on July 16th, it made cat lovers go crazy. And you’re about to see why! 7-26-2015 2-16-34 PM This video shows a cat named Dorian being too adorable! According to the video uploader, Cadyn, the sleeping boy, is nothing short of a best friend for Dorian. And so when Cadyn was gone for a couple of days, Dorian couldn’t stop cuddling up to him and celebrating his return! It was just too adorable to watch. These two have such a nice friendship together. Too bad that Cadyn was too sleepy to hug Dorian back, but I’m sure that when he woke up, these two had the most fun time together. 7-26-2015 2-17-23 PM Do you own a cat? How does your cat react when you’ve been away for a long time? Share with us your adorable moments with your cat in the comments section, and don’t forget to share this cute reunion with your family and friends.