This Amazing mare gave birth to rare twins horses and their beauty is heart capturing!
Historically, twins have been the single most important cause of abortion in Thoroughbreds.
Twin pregnancies between mares nearly always occur when the mare ovulates an egg from each of two ovarian follicles and both eggs are fertilized, resulting in two embryos. Twins shouldn't occur in well managed breeding farms.
The Belgian horses, or Belgian draft horses are one of the strongest and heaviest breeds. They can stand anywhere between 1.6 and 1.8 meters tall; and weigh up to 2,000 pounds (900 kilograms).
A gorgeous Belgian draft horse gave birth to her twin foals, Lisa and Fien, not long ago. Life couldn't be any cuter! Lisa and Fien are very rare foals, the videos was taken only four days after they were born. The rare twins play happily around their mother. They play around her in an amazing scene presenting the pure natural beauty.
These beautiful and strong horses are actually gentle giants. They are so gentle that even children can handle them as shown in the video. Lisa and Fien don't only have a loving mother, but they also have a caring little girl who showers them with love and affection.
Despite the fact that the mare’s head is about the same size as the little girl's body, the brave girl has no problems getting up close and personal with Mom and her twins; the horses doesn’t seem to mind one bit. The little girl must've felt safe when she came up close to them.
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