They Introduced The Kittens To This Gorilla, The Way She Reacted Is Heartwarming
Remember Koko the gorilla? This famous gorilla that has learned how to talk with the sign language?Koko the gorilla was born in 1971, she had been taught the English sign languages, Koko the gorilla was able to understand more than 1000 signs, and more than 2000 spoken English word. She was born in San Francisco zoo and lived most of her life in California. Besides being a well-educated gorilla, Koko is a very kind hearted and an animal lover, she used to have pets, like this little kitten that we have watched in the video. Koko used to pet those abandoned cats. Now here she is, meeting a group of little kittens, the video is absolutely touching.
It all started when her trainer Francine Patterson wanted to have a special celebration, so they introduced Koko to a litter of kittens, and what Koko did was amazing, you won't believe how she interacted with the kittens, it's another proof of how kind she is, it's very heartwarming.Koko fell in love immediately with the kittens, her motherhood instincts immediately appeared, a very strong bond was created between both of them. She held them kindly between her arms.
Surprisingly, Koko signed that those kittens are her babies, and now they are a happy family after it was announced that the gorilla adopted two kittens. It's amazing how she is acting so kindly with the kittens.
It was known that Koko before adopted a kitten, but accidently the little kitten had passed away, which broke the gorilla’s heart, after the cat escaped from the zoo, she was hit by a car. It was known that Koko loved her a lot.
Now you can see in this video how the gorilla is hugging the kittens, don't forget to share this amazing video with your family and friends.