These Two Garbage Men Heard Cries In Their Truck, What They Found Was Shocking

q This rescue story is absolutely heartwarming, thank God for this hero, if he wasn't there, this kitten would have lost any chance to survive. It all started in Stockholm, Sweden, when the two garbage men were working; they were getting ready to haul food waste to the incinerator, and shockingly they heard the sound of a little kitten screaming. At first, they couldn't see the kitten, the trash was piled up so high, but the garbage men couldn't ignore the screams of the kitten, so they decided to rescue her. aq They helped each other to bring the kitten to be safe, and they were totally shocked when they found her full of garbage, shelooked gross. But the question here is how this kitten was trapped inside the truck or in the trash, has someone threw her inside? But for her rescuer, it doesn't matter at all, all that matters is that she wasrescued; one of the garbage men said that he did not relax till the kitten was finally safe, no matter how hard it was to get the kitten out of the trash truck. The garbage man said that they shoveled about five tons of food to reach the little kitten; they reached it after half an hour of shoveling the food trash. If they didn't make this, the trash would've headed to the incinerator, and it's hard to imagine what will happen next to the kitten if it happened! 3021 The kitten was in need for a bath, but thankfully she was in a good situation. The two garbage men put the cat in a box and drove to the closest animal shelter. One of the staff adopted the little kitten, one of the garbage men who rescued the kitten was wishing to adopt her but he already has two dogs. Thankfully, this kitten finally had a forever home. 85211