These two baby elephants were lost, what happened when they saw their mother was beyond adorable.

  Just the same as it is in the human world, some of us, when we were kids, we have been lost accidently from our mothers, and suddenly you can't find her behind, and all what you see is strangers around you. Once you see her again; the happy tears start to flow down. But it seems that it’s the same thing in the animal's world. baby-elephants-video You Have To Stop Whatever You Are Doing And Watch This Adorable Elephant, It Will Make Your Day

These cute little baby elephants seemed to be lost from their mother, they found themselves suddenly surrounded by strangers, they can't find their family. The babies were so freaking out, but thankfully in the end they saw their mom, and the most heartwarming reunion happened, they ran towards her as fast as they can, it's the family love, and their reunion is truly adorable.


This video is truly wonderful, who can stop smiling while watching a thing that is related to the Elephants Kingdom?Specially if its about baby elephants.

They are very smart and strong animals. There are so many unknown facts about elephants that you will be totally surprised when you know them. There are only two types of elephants, African elephants, where both males and females have tusks and the Asian elephant where only the male elephant has tusks. An elephant’s lifespan is about 44 years. [caption id="attachment_29453" align="aligncenter" width="550"]baby-elephants-video baby elephants reunion with their mother[/caption] Video: This Baby Elephants Thinks She Is A Dog, See How Funny She Is Elephants are the biggest mammals in the world. Surprisingly, elephants can drink about 210 liter of water daily. The elephant's trunk can reach about 2 meters, and it can weigh till 140 kg. The elephant’s ear is big and thin; it’s all made from blood vessels, which actually helps the elephant to reach the normal body temperature. Elephants are good at swimming; they can use their trunks to breathe from them.