These Scientists Tried to Make a Bear Deterrent, But They Got a Big Surprise When They Tried It!

8-18-2015 5-14-14 PM The animal kingdom is undoubtedly the most wonderful and surprising thing. It is great to have a chance to learn more and more about the wonders of it, it is a place for many stories that just make our mouths drop because of how amazing and unusual they are. But no matter how weird and unusual the stories are, we always can’t help but find them to be heartwarming and inspiring.If you know all that then you should also know that the animal kingdom is full of surprises. You never know when you’re about to encounter something amazing!And that’s why scientists are always trying to find out more and more about animals every day, and they never run out of amazing new things to show us. 8-18-2015 5-15-07 PM When scientists at Montana wanted to come up with a bear deterrent that would stop bears from coming into populated areas but at the same time without harming the bears, they decided to try out an idea for the first time, which was an electrocuted deer carcass.Using a body of a road-kill deer, the scientists set up the trap for the bear, and they watched through the remote cameras.For a couple of times, the bear approached the deer and bit into it, but it got shocked and ran away. But then, when it returned one more time, no one expected what it did! The bear actually learned somehow that the foreign objects attached to the tree might be the cause of the problem, so it messed the arrangement up, cutting off the power, therefore the deer was no longer electrocuted. Isn’t it brilliant? That bear is one smart animal. Watch the video below to see what it did after cutting the power off, and don’t forget to share it with your family and friends!