These 15 Signs Reveal That Your Dog Might Actually Be Your “Baby”!

It is true that your pup is not your flesh and blood, but you cannot quit talking about him. You show everyone his pictures. He is your joy and pride. These are the signs that you love him like he is your baby!
  1. You begin taking snoozing pictures.
Petsfans 0078 - 1 It starts that way; you begin taking dozens of shots of him to show your friends via social media the hilarious places where he, all by himself, fall asleep, such as the laundry basket shot with captions as, #lol  #puppylove #puppyloveslaundrybasket #omgsocute  
  1. Your whole identity on social media turns to your dog’s
Petsfans 0078 - 2 After a while, you begin realizing that it is a crime to withhold such cuteness from the world, therefore, you just keep shooting and posting photos with witty captions such as, “Nahnahnahnahnah, BAT DOG!” #ears #batdog #soooocute #ilovehimsomuch #bedtime #sleepydog  
  1. Tucking him into bed when he wakes up whimpering at night
Petsfans 0078 - 3 It simply happens to your bed, your pillow, and on your side, you just love him that way.  
  1. You keep doing your best helping him growing pains
Petsfans 0078 - 4 You have taught him sitting, fetching, and peeing outside. You are there for him when going through his teething stage, even letting him chew on your hand; although his teeth can be like razor blades to you. That fuzzy face makes you just melt!  
  1. You begin to use human options for your pup’s ailments
Petsfans 0078 - 5 Well, this works for human babies, doesn’t it? OMG, so cute, and then you come up with more ideas…  
  1. Setting up a high chair for your puppy so he can join you at the table
Petsfans 0078 - 6 Family dinner means the whole family is included, right?  
  1. You bring her stroller on long journeys, just in case your puppy’s legs get tired
Petsfans 0078 - 7 The stroller is important as you love to bring her with you everywhere. Moreover, she will need it when taking her afternoon nap.  
  1. You wait for summertime to play beach games with your buddy
Petsfans 0078 - 8 When summer rolls around, you cannot wait to go for a trip to the coast to let your pup experience the joys of the beach for the first time! “Let’s have fun playing sand games, HAHA, you look funny when buried!”  
  1. When no time for a trip to the coast, filling up the kiddies’ pool is a good option
 Petsfans 0078 - 9  “Harold could stay in the pool for hours, he just loves swimming!”  
  1. You make sure your pup enjoys the fun when season changes
Petsfans 0078 - 10 You may just do not rack leaves into a pile so your favorite fluffer can enjoy frolic in them.  
  1. You make sure your pooch feels warm as the weather gets chilly
Petsfans 0078 - 11 At first, you just do it for fun, but it looks right when seeing him in that perfectly sized sweater.  
  1. When there is a special occasion, you make sure he is handsome
Petsfans 0078 - 12 The apple does not fall far from the tree, he is a ladies’ man.  
  1. Your puppy is your annual Christmas card
Petsfans 0078 - 13 Whether it is ok for him or not, you just like to show him to everyone because you are so proud of him.  
  1. You celebrate all special occasions together
Petsfans 0078 - 14 You like to let him know how important he is for you and the family, even if he does not know what the day is!  
  1. It does not matter you are not biologically related, you resemble each other
Petsfans 0078 - 15 Although you do not share genetics, you both love vanilla ice cream, snuggling, playing outside, and making each other happy. It is absolutely clear that you are soulmates. SHARE this with friends and family to let them know that you unconditionally love your fur baby! Via Iheartdogs