The truth behind why do cats purr!

2-25-2015 4-06-49 PM It's an every cat's owner question, especially if they are not experienced or if they own a cat for the first time, why do cat purr? If you are a cat owner, you must have listened before to the sounds that the cat makes sometimes, some new cats' owners feel weird about it and feel worried about their cat and some unexperienced owners think that it's a dangerous thing and they rush to the vet to check on their cat. But these sounds are purring, so why do cats purr? Surprisingly, your cat does that sound when it feels happy, and when it feels comfortable and relaxed, especially when you are petting it, so don't panic; your cat loves you. So as you now know why do cats purr, make sure your cat is feeling happy and comfortable forever. 2-25-2015 4-08-01 PM Cats are the kindest and sweetest ever, they are very friendly and cute, and they are the funniest pets. You must know that there are many facts hidden in their life that you will be very amazed by despite purring. Cats can hear very strongly, they hear 8 times stronger than us, they can hear the ultra-sonic sounds which dolphins make to communicate, they also hear stronger than dogs do. There are so many breeds of cats, like Persian cats, Bangle cats and Sphynx cats. Of course you noticed that your cat sleeps a lot, and that’s because the hormones of growing are released while sleeping, and about sleeping, cats are sleepy creatures, they sleep about 2/3 of the day, and so if a cat’s age is 9, she is only awake for three years of her entire life. 2-25-2015 4-10-27 PM Reading this kind of articles is very useful and will help you be an experienced owner. After reading this article, help your cat owners friends know why do cat purr by sharing this article with them.