The guitarist kicked the cat aggressively, but she got an instant revenge!

3-18-2015 1-46-33 AM Karma is all around, standing beside every one of us, taking revenge if needed, for you. But this story strengthens my belief in karma more and more, you won’t believe what Karma did to this man. What happened in this video will teach you a lesson, never mess with a dog, or a cat, because Karma will take the revenge. Few days ago, we knew about that man in China, who kicked a stray dog who was laying in his parking spot. Later the dog got scared and ran away; later, karma was there, the dog returned to the parking with few of his friends, biting it with their teeth, and windshield wipers. YEAH! Revenge can be so sweet, and it's still sweet here, after seeing what this owner did to his cat. 3-18-2015 1-47-05 AM In Canada, this guitarist decided to record a video for him while he is playing, after he played the camera, he found that his cat is sitting on the chair; he did the most horrible thing ever. He picked the cat by his neck and kicked him away off the chair in a very aggressive and mean way. But karma was there defending the cat and taking his right! When that guitarist sat down on the chair, the cat ran up the stairs in the same time, bumping a pot that was placed on the stairs, accidently the pot fell down right on the head of his owner. Yeah we know it hurts, but that's how you pay for your mistakes; karma will always play its role. 3-18-2015 1-49-59 AM Never mess with your pets, treat them always in the right way, never hurt them or push them or treat them in that horrible way. Watch this video and help it go viral by sharing it with your family and friends.