The Giant Ancestor of those tiny cute lizards we know!
This might only happen in Australia! Eric Holland was working in his outdoor shed, in Thurgoona, New South Wales, when he spotted something that he did not recognize at first. The thing was crawling across his own property!
He was very shocked when he recognized the animal, but certainly, not in this size. Once Eric recovered from his shock, he fetched his camera to capture the creature.
When he went back in, he had to look closely at the photo and assure himself that he wasn't dreaming. It was a giant lizard just clinging to his house wall. This big species is called Lace Goanna, or monitor lizards. They are weary of humans and used to live in bushy areas; probably, a good idea, considering their size.
Monitor lizards can grow up to 6.5 feet (2 meters) in length and 45 pounds (20kg) in weight. Their bite is known to be septic, and if you have already tried to corner one, you probably saw their sharp teeth and claws. Some stories tell that when these creatures have no trees for them to run up and hide, they will just run up a person!
There is no doubt that this big Monitor is dangerous. Its claws are very sharp as it was perching on the side of Eric's house. How it's able to balance and stick to the wall is beyond my comprehension. It's fierce claws and sharp teeth will make me appreciate those annoying crickets and never complain about them again.
Luckily, Eric succeeded and snapped this shot for you to share with your friends and family!