The easiest ways to detect and treat arthritis in dogs

0006_Layer-Comp-713-600x600 As a pet owner, I know that taking care of my canine friend’s health and well-being is one of my basic responsibilities in life. One of the facts that I’m pretty sure of is that my pet cannot tell me when something is wrong, that is why I have to pay attention to any potential symptoms that are known as signs of health issues. Just like there are known signs of cancer, there are also symptoms can indicate that my dog can be suffering from arthritis. All breeds of dogs could suffer from arthritis, especially older dogs. Luckily, there are certain signs of arthritis that can help in the early detect of the disease if noticed by the pet owner, then an early quick treatment course from a vet can solve this health issue easily. Unlike many other canines’ health issues, pet owners have the option of at-home treatments to do for their canine friends to ease the arthritis pain. Certainly, it is much better to learn more than detecting the signs of arthritis disease. Fortunately for our canine friends, there are plenty of at-home treatments to apply to relieve their pain once we spot any arthritis signs.   Read this article to know about the symptoms of canine arthritis and to learn how to treat your dog at home. Although this should not replace the medical advice of a vet, I’m so grateful to learn these important medical information. Please let us know in comments below if your pup suffers from canine arthritis! Where is my dog feeling the pain?   Maya Borenstein for LittleThings Although most of the arthritis-diseased dogs can suffer the pain in multiple locations, the most common areas they suffer pain are the back, neck, hips, elbows, shoulders, knees, and paws. Luckily for every dog owner and for the dogs themselves of course, there are very distinctive symptoms that are signs of experiencing arthritic pain. Observing any of the following six very clear signs means that your pup needs treatment right away.

Six Distinctive Symptoms Of Canine Arthritis


Symptom #1: Limping

0002_Layer-Comp-315-600x600 Maya Borenstein for LittleThings Any dog owner can tell when their dog moves abnormally. If you notice your pup limping, one of the very possible causes is that your dog could be suffering arthritic pain. According to PetMD, dogs that suffer from arthritis will limp, as they will favor depending on one or more certain legs which, of course, the ones that are not arthritic.  

Symptom #2: Spinal Trouble

0000_Layer-Comp-114-600x600 Maya Borenstein for LittleThings One of the most apparent signs in pups that suffer from arthritis is the way their carry themselves; they cannot hold their heads up straight as  usual because this is a painful position for them due to spinal trouble; and that is why they hunch more than they supposed to do. Keep your eye out for this sign, raised back accompanied by a lowered head and tail.

Symptom #3: Snapping At You

0001_Layer-Comp-214-600x600 Maya Borenstein for LittleThings When your dog feels pain all the time, they cannot be that friend you used to have! According to Vet Depot, when your dog snaps while you pet them, this can be a distinctive sign they suffer arthritis. Therefore, any unusual reaction to petting should be seriously noted, and, if this behavior continues, you need the medical advice of a vet, definitely!  

Symptom #4: Loss Of Interest

0005_Layer-Comp-613-600x600 Maya Borenstein for LittleThings If you are used to have that active pup, you will easily notice if their level of interest decreased. According to WebMD, if your pup loses their interest in playing, this is a surefire sign of something wrong. In more athletic dogs, they may not be able to run with their owner or do not want to play at the dog park as usual. While this sign can appear suddenly, gradual loss of interest is also possible; and in both cases, you should check it with a vet.

Symptom #5: Difficulty With Stairs

0009_Layer-Comp-109-600x600 Maya Borenstein for LittleThings One of the biggest signs that your dog may have arthritis is that they can One big sign that your pup could suffer from arthritis is when they are not able to get up stairs as they used to do. According to WebMD, the most notable sign for dog owners is their pups acting less or when they are show difficulty doing the same common activities they used to do, like having problem getting in the SUV, getting up the couch, or going up stairs.  

Symptom #6: Loss Of Muscle

0007_Layer-Comp-812-600x600 Maya Borenstein for LittleThings Dogs suffering from any degree of arthritis will exercise less, and this will eventually cause their muscles to deteriorate. According to PetMD, decreased use of muscles leads to death of the tissues of the inactive muscles, and that is why arthritic pets often develop muscle atrophy. While arthritis is one among multiple health issues that can cause canines’ muscle and weight loss, any health issue known to relate to this symptom deserves a trip to the vet for proper medical detection.  

Six At-Home Treatments For Canine Arthritis Treatment #1: Doggy Exercise

0011_Layer-Comp-125-600x600 Maya Borenstein for LittleThings While you can apply a long-term course set by your vet, one of the plenty you can do for your pup to ease their arthritis pain is low-impact, limited exercise. According to The Bark, regardless of the extent of the arthritis and your dog’s age, a reasonable and limited exercise is important for keeping the muscles of your pup healthy, maintaining their mobility, and protecting their joints in the long run.

Treatment #2: A Healthier Diet

0012_Layer-Comp-133-600x600 Maya Borenstein for LittleThings Any added body weight will put an additional pressure on the joints of an arthritic pup. This is why it is recommended to put them on diet to save them from experiencing more pain. According to WebMD, besides fat is a source of joints inflammation, arthritic dogs should be put on a diet to decrease the stress on their joints. If you suspect that your dog suffers from arthritis, you should get them to an ideal weight, this is crucial for their treatment and to avoid joints inflammation.

Treatment #3: Joint Supplements

0010_Layer-Comp-115-600x600 Maya Borenstein for LittleThings Besides any veterinary prescriptions, there are few supplements that are useful in improving arthritic dogs’ joint health. According to The Bark, while the decision of using countless joint supplements is best made with your vet, they are available to keep your arthritic dog’s cartilage healthy, and their overall joint health.

Treatment #4: Extra Warmth

0003_Layer-Comp-414-600x600 Maya Borenstein for LittleThings Just as in humans, arthritic dogs experience more severe pain when they are cold. According to, you can help your arthritic dog feel much more comfortable by keeping them warm. You can also help them keep their joints warmer by using a pet sweater. In addition, it will be very good for them to consider keeping your home temperature a little warmer, too.

Treatment #5: Puppy Massage

0008_Layer-Comp-910-600x600 Maya Borenstein for LittleThings   Puppy massage is of great benefits, especially for arthritic pups. You can help relief their arthritic pain by giving them a massage yourself, or by bringing them to a professional masseuse. According to, massage improves your dog’s circulation, flexibility, and their allover sense of well-being.  

Treatment #6: Ramps Around The House

0004_Layer-Comp-512-600x600 Maya Borenstein for LittleThings You can help your arthritic dog feel less pain by making their life easier. Even if you cannot afford for pet store ramps, you can just start being creative. According to, ramps are of very much help for arthritic dogs, they can use them to easily mount furniture, navigate stairs, and access anywhere they need. Eventually, it will be good for you and your dog to help them easily join you in bed or on the couch. The early recognition of arthritis in your pup is very crucial for putting them on the medical plan they need. In addition to keep an eye for arthritis symptoms, it is also your job to learn how to help them relieving their arthritic pain as well. You are welcome to let us know in comments if you will be on the lookout for these arthritis symptoms. Please Share these precious and vital information with all dog owners you know! [ Source ]