The 23 Most Amazing Animal Photos in 2015

1.An incredible python feasting on a bat. enhanced-23883-1451368897-10 2.A carjacking koala. enhanced-buzz-27837-1451368628-5 3.A seal surfing a whale's back. enhanced-buzz-4755-1451445160-5 4.An emu convinced its a horse. enhanced-buzz-26668-1451368725-5 5.A train-riding hipster goat. enhanced-buzz-32341-1451368316-5 6.A saltie kicking a crocodile's ass. enhanced-31665-1451369735-1 7.A two faced bull. enhanced-buzz-26793-1451438679-13 8.A two-mouthed fish. enhanced-buzz-20819-1451438963-5 9.An amazing sheep who dodged shave day for years. enhanced-4419-1451369331-1 10.A koala who knows how to have fun. enhanced-30345-1451369157-1 11. Koalas can find comfort in the oddest places. enhanced-buzz-6177-1451369913-7 12.Another prime example... enhanced-5325-1451369644-8 13.A gigantic shark. enhanced-buzz-5325-1451368812-5 14.A beached tiger shark. enhanced-buzz-25265-1451438575-6 15.The mother of all monsters. enhanced-6349-1451369083-1 16.Another python feasting on a a parrot this time. enhanced-buzz-32044-1451369851-6 17.An octopus battling a crab to the death. anigif_original-4162-1451438882-1 18.A flying crocodile. anigif_original-4076-1451369496-7 19.A kangaroo jumping off a trampoline.
">When You Take a Tumble And Hope No One Noticed. Posted by BuzzFeed Oz on Tuesday, December 15, 2015
20.This properly ripped-roo. 04-01-2016 12-11-30 م 21.A legendary bird. enhanced-buzz-27718-1451369423-14 22.Well, this is Eric. anigif_original-grid-image-24419-1451447343-8 23.An emu out for a jog in Israel. anigif_original-19585-1451439048-2 Share this with your family and friends.