The 10 symptoms of having OCD!

14-02-2016 03-22-41 م For most of pup owners, it is just too hard to find a fault in their beloved creatures. For me, my adorable pup, it does not really matter whether she is showing me affection or showing me her skills, like this pit bull, I’m sure that she loves me just as much as I love her.  I would do absolutely anything for my pup! In many situations, some friends of mine have gone so far to say that I have an Obsessive Canine Disorder, and I just have to admit that I agree that I’m a little obsessed with my pup! Though I may be sometimes guilty of loving her too much.  We absolutely have no problem with this. On the contrary, we think that a world with more OCD people would just be the best place! There is no doubt that you love our pup, just like all dog owners of the world if you know what I mean, but how to know if you have obsessive canine disorder? Scroll through the below list of OCD symptoms, and let us know in comments about the symptoms that apply to you or someone you know!  
  1. You throw birthday parties for your pup
My pup would not complain if a party was thrown in her honor, especially with all the doggy toy presents she gets every time! However, most pups absolutely love and enjoy having the attention and celebration with other dog friends. Do you love to celebrate the birthday of your pup each year? If so, then you have one severe sign of Obsessive Canine Disorder! 0001_Layer-Comp-227-600x600
  1. Your pet takes your partner’s place in bed.
While your bed may not be enough for three, you may have a pet who prefers to share your bed, and your partner gets the floor! So, if you are used to finding your pup sleeping at the place where your partner is supposed to be; then you may have OCD! 0008_Layer-Comp-9-copy-600x600
  1. You find 'no' a difficult word to say
Some people cannot refuse helping a pet in need, and many of those people find themselves having more canine friends than they planned for! If you are one of those who cannot say “no” to a cute pup, then you might have obsessive canine disorder. Actually, you will discover this fact too late when you're already buried under a pile of adorable canines! But this is also a sign of your loving heart! Now, and before discovering that there are too many pups for you to handle, there is a good question to answer: How many pups are you ready to adopt? 0007_Layer-Comp-822-600x600
  1. Frames of your pup’s pictures are all over your house!
Do you find that your pup is too adorable to resist taking ton of pictures of? If so, you might have a shrine of your pup in your home, and, in addition, you have one definite sign of Obsessive Canine Disorder too! How many pictures of your dog are posted on the walls of your house? 0006_Layer-Comp-724-600x600
  1. You like to explore things from their point of view!
While all pup owners might sometimes wonder what their dog is thinking, some go as far as trying to figuring it out! Undoubtedly, this is a sign of obsessive canine disorder, and your neighbors who wonder every time they see you crawling around or burying a bone in your yard do not know that this is your way of trying to see things from the point of view of your canine friend! How far have you gone in this symptom? 0005_Layer-Comp-624-600x600
  1. You treat your pup as a baby
While we all agree that our beloved pups deserve the best in the world, and that there is nothing wrong with pampering them often, giving them the treatment of a baby, like carrying and pushing them around in a stroller, is a sign of obsessive canine disorder. However, who can say that there is something negative about giving those adorable creatures some royal treatment! Is your pup actually your “baby”?


  1. Having conversations with your pup, in your own language!
In fact, most pup owners have that bond with their pups that help them communicating, but have you ever caught yourself barking at your dog instead of talking? While your pup would surely appreciate your attempts talking doggy language, you are truly having an obsessive canine disorder! How far did you go to try and communicating with your pup? 0004_Layer-Comp-523-600x600
  1. You prefer hanging out with your pup rather than your friends
If you are used to cancelling plans with your friends so that you can spend more time with your canine friend, just curling up on the couch at home, then you may have obsessive canine disorder. You know it is fun to be with friends, but they do not know that it is much better for you to watch a movie with your loyal best friend! Do you spend more time with your pup rather than your friends? 0002_Layer-Comp-327-600x600
  1. You just cannot quit telling stories about your pup
Whether on a first date or catching up with an old friend, it can sometimes be hard to resist talking about your incredible pet. Sometimes it is hard to resist talking about our adorable canine friends, but if stories about you with your pup dominate most of your conversations, even on your first date and when catching up with old friends, then you have obsessive canine disorder. Some pet owners are just obsessed by talking about their incredible pets, and they love to enjoy spending more time with people who share them the same passion. What is your pup's last amazing story? 0003_Layer-Comp-425-600x600
  1. You eat noodles, your pup eats the royal food!
  All pets deserve healthy meals and delicious treats, but if you are used to blowing your budget in the fancy pet food department and do not mind eating noodles every night, then you are probably a case of obsessive canine disorder. Just make sure your food is just as good as your pup! While most of us, pet owners, might have one or more of these OCD symptoms, our adorable pups cannot be but grateful for all the attention and the extra love we have for them! Please tell us in the comments below about the OCD symptoms you have! king-dogocd-600x600 It will be just great to Share this with all pet owners you know! [ Source ]