That's how these cats react to their soldiers coming home!

3-21-2015 11-40-07 PM When you go away from home even for a few days, your dog welcomes you in the most amazing way when you come back, with showers of kisses and wagging tails, it turns out to be very emotional, and they get so excited for the reunion. When we watch a reunion between a dog and his owner, we feel very heart touched and full of joy and full of happy tears, but what about cats? How about the way they greet their owners with?! In this funny compilation showing how cats react like when the times comes for the reunion with their owners who were away for a long period of time, it's far different from dogs. Cats didn't get excited or impressed, sometimes they stay without doing anything, or sometimes they leave the place or hide from their owner. 3-21-2015 11-40-45 PM Want to watch more of cats' videos? Watch this video of an amazing cat reunion, Madison the 13 years old cat was missing for about two months, they couldn’t handle how to live without their pet, and they kept on searching everywhere, in animal hospitals and in shelters. Thankfully, they found it, and the best part in this video is when she decided to surprise her kids, so she planned for a surprise and grabbed her camera to record this heartwarming reunion. Watch the amazing reunion, it's really heartwarming. Don't miss also to watch this video of Jared; a 10-year-old autistic boy was devastated when his beloved 11-year-old cat Clyde went missing. The reunion was 12 days later, the reaction of Jared when he came home was adorable, here’s the adorable reunion with Jared and his best friend Triton. 3-21-2015 11-41-48 PM Watch the funny compilation below and share it with your family and friends.