Thanks To New Prosthetic Legs, This Cat Walks For The First Time In His Entire Life

07-12-2015 07-47-44 م Story County Animal Shelter in Iowa, is the place where Vincent, the helpless kitten, showed up. He lived his entire life as a two-legged kitten until one day this all changes. There in Story County Animal Shelter, a good hearted woman has found him and made her mind to help the helpless kitten.  She was determined that the method will not hinder her dream to help this two-legged cat. "Normally a cat like him that came into a shelter would not a have a future because his injuries are pretty staggering," Cindy Jones said in a video uploaded to YouTube. "I took one look at him, fell in love and took him home." Veterinarians at Iowa State University's Department of Veterinary Clinical Sciences devised a one-of-a-kind procedure to attach the prosthetic legs.  It seemed impossible in attempt to help this helpless kitten to walk and use his four limbs. 07-12-2015 07-48-06 م Mary Sarah Bergh, the surgeon who attached Vincent's prosthetic legs said that Vincent's implants go inside the bone and then traverse the skin so he actually has metal posts poking through his skin.  This was a challenging problem to work with. The little kitten was strong enough to walk after just one surgery in February 2014, "The first time I saw him after surgery, it was scary, to be honest," Jones says. "Because you don't normally see metal things poking out of your cat." Jones got used to the prosthetic legs just like the way Vincent did. Then several surgeries succeeded in lengthening and strengthening his artificial legs. Vincent's success is a triumph for veterinary science power. If you find Vincent's story inspirational, share it with your friends!