Sloth cuddles in slow motion

If there were a place for sloths that can be as the paradise for them, it would be the Sloth Sanctuary in Costa Rica. While sloths are endangered animal species, they are constantly working in this place for the conservation and research for sloths. The Sanctuary in Costa Rica was a dream of Judy Avey-Arroyo and Luis Arroyo that had begun back in 1975 in Costa Rica, five years after they met and decided to marry. They purchased about 130 hectares of tropical rainforest along the Estrella River near Penshurt. Judy and Luis had believed in the future potential of this piece of paradise. The Costa Rican government had not disappointed the nature-caring couple; they have supported their efforts by declaring their beautiful land a privately owned biological reserve. 03-02-2016 01-26-44 م Visionaries Judy and Luis imagined the potential of this slice of paradise. In 1975 the Costa Rican government officially declared their land a “privately-owned biological reserve. Recently, a group of conservation fans visited the Sloth Sanctuary in Costa Rica where they are doing great efforts for the sloth conservation and research. The video below shows that the visitors were not expecting that sloths are such friendly animals. The woman in the video was offering a sloth a hibiscus flower, which is one of the most favorite treats for sloths. The sloth seemed not interested in the snack that she absolutely loves as much as she was interested in something else. Unexpectedly, the sloth slowly approached the woman until she became in the perfect position to hug the surprised woman! Looks like this woman had the best reaction ever! 03-02-2016 01-27-49 م f you are a sloth-fan, you can support the continuous striving of the Sloth Sanctuary in Costa Rica, either by donating them or by simply letting the world know about their efforts.   Please Share this adorable video with the animal lovers you know.