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She Used To Have Dog Phobia But Then Everything Changed Because Of That Dog!

We all know that one specific person that comes into our lives to change it forever! This is exactly what happens in this story. Severe Phobia! This girl had a severe phobia of dogs, she couldn't approach them, get any closer or even staying around in the same place where they exist. She is extremely afraid of dogs! The young lady's neighbor had a sweet and over protective dog that wouldn't allow anyone to approach her owner and she would defend her badly! Although the dog's owner ensured the young lady that, her dog,  Olieng, would never hurt her, the dog kept barking at the young lady every time she got closer to her owner. 30-01-2016 12-20-13 م The dog's owner told her not to be afraid, it is just over protective of her! she wouldn't really bite her! Until that day came! One day when the young lady was coming back from school, she found that the dog's owner has passed away. The dog was left alone in the house and she was so lonely! She noticed that the dog did not bark at her anymore! and that was the time she realized the dog wouldn't really hurt her and she was a real protector over her owner! 30-01-2016 12-20-41 م The young lady decided to help the lonely dog. She started giving the dog some food every day and one day her fear has just disappeared! She was able to touch the dog and get close to her! Eventually, they became friends! Olieng and the young lady became best friends and they did everything together! Olieng became her protective, as well! But then one day when she was coming back from school, she found Olieng covered with her own blood. She rushed to find a veterinarian but she could not save her best friend's life. 30-01-2016 12-20-52 م That was the turning point in her life! She decided to become a veterinarian to save pets' lives for Olieng's sake and she would never forget her! Share this inspirational story with your family and friends!