She puts her baby and the cat on the floor, what happened next is amazing!

4-27-2015 4-53-26 PM Most of us think that only dogs that can care for babies and give them endless love and protect them, but this video will prove that also cats can act the same as dogs; they can be very loving companions for babies. In this video, you will see that baby Elliotte is cuddling with his cat friend named Watson, she wants to sleep beside him and take a nap together. They are more than best friends; this cat is a great babysitter! It's amazing how this cat is kind; cats are same like dogs, both of them love babies. 4-27-2015 4-55-28 PM But it’s not an easy thing to build a strong relationship between your pet and your baby, it takes time and a little bit of work. Some babies don’t get used to it easily and the same for pets. Over time your child and your pet will learn to love, care and respect each other, they will grow up and be united with each other and loyal to one another. Getting your pet out of the house is the worst thing ever to do, because it’s not true at all that pets can harm your baby, you just have to trust your pet. Having a pet also teaches your child to be loyal and respect his friends when he grows up, and also respect any kind of animals. I wonder what baby in the video would say when he is all grown up and re-watching these moments again. 4-27-2015 4-56-10 PM I think that after a few days, the cat will get used to her new friend. It already happened, watch this video to see how cats are good to babies. Also watch this video of the first meeting between the baby and the cat; it's like an exploring trip. And don’t forget to share this funny video with your family and friends.