SeaWorld San Diego Park Is Banned From Breeding Orcas
The California Coastal Commission has banned SeaWorld San Diego Park from breeding Orcas anymore. They did however, approve a permission for the park to double the size of the orcas' special habitat. They will spend nearly $100 million to double the size of the habitat. There are about 11 orcas, the park is not allowed to breed more orcas, and they also can't add any new ones or bring them from the wild. The California Coastal Commission had accused the park for mistreating and neglecting the orcas for their own business.
Animal lovers agreed with the decision but other people didn't. The latest decisions and bans that the California Coastal Commission has set, might be the reason behind the end of the SeaWorld Park, as they are now not allowed to breed any orcas. The decision not to add any more orcas will affect the park, which means that the orcas will grow old so they can't be on live shows constantly. Those decisions are complicating any future plans for the park, as the show of the whales is one of the biggest attractions. Other opinions said that the business would end soon because of that decision, so why spend $100 million on building a new tank?
People started to show an interest to the orcas in the park after Stephen Glover was sentenced to be in jailed for 30 days. It's all because he protested against the inhumane treatment of the orcas in the park. He climbed a crane and he set fireworks. Lots of people attended the hearing in Long Beach, one of them was the well-known actress Pamela Anderson, and she is one of the animal rights activist and orca lovers.
So what do you think about these decisions and the controversy around them? Tell us in the comments below and share this article with your family and friends.