Researchers Finally Discover Why Cats Are Crazy About Cardboard Boxes!

Have you ever thought why cats are crazy and go completely nuts about cardboard boxes?! I'm pretty sure that a cat's odd relationship with boxes, cardboard boxes in particular, make every cat owner wonder why this obsession exists!  Cats are cute, lovable and playful animals.  Besides, they know how to spend good times with us. Researchers have found why cats are completely crazy about cardboard boxes and here are their findings:
  • Cardboard boxes are a good way to relax
Researchers have discovered that these cardboard boxes can reduce high levels of stress that might cause diseases which develop in cats. Cat Box Zoom
  • Cats love the smell of cardboard boxes
According to researchers, cats are crazy about these boxes because of their smell. Cardboard boxes are also the best place to hide, specially when facing new surroundings. Cat Leap Box
  • Cardboard boxes are ugly! 
Cardboard boxes can be the perfect object to amuse your beloved cat and add a decorative touch to your home. Cardboard boxes are the perfect place where your cat can enjoy lying inside peacefully. tumblr_n90nfz5Iws1qg6yj9o1_500
  • The curious nature of cats and their love to discover
Cats are adorable and curious animals, they love to discover and wander around in your house. Cardboard maybe something that stimulates their eagerness to discover. Moreover, they are playful animals who won't mind spending their whole day hiding, so there is no other place better than boxes. tumblr_nm6abunTjU1qg6yj9o1_500 These are the reasons why cats are completely in love with cardboard boxes and why they go nuts once they find them. Share this with your family and friends and let them know too!